www.phs.org/centennialcare 9 Presbyterian Health Plan (PHP) is committed to providing quality care and services to our Centennial Care members. At Presbyterian, we have a thorough Quality Improvement Program (QI Program) that assesses the care and services you receive. We work nonstop to improve your experience with care and services. The QI Program includes: • Member experience activities • Quality and safety of clinical care • Quality of service • Annual goals, processes, and activities At the end of each year, we evaluate the QI Program to not only see how we did, but to see what we can do to better serve you the next year. As Mark Twain said, “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” In 2023, we learned and applied many new ways to better serve you in 2024. Here are a few of our 2023 actions and results: The Diabetes Prevention Program enrolled new participants in a 12-month structured program and coaching schedule. Members had one-on-one sessions with a coach to discuss physical activity, healthy food choices, eating patterns, and daily weight management. The 12-month Diabetes Prevention Program is offered to eligible members and is an evidence-based program. PHP partnered with Unite Us to create a closed-loop referral system to screen for health-related social needs and provide referrals based on those needs. PHP focused on engaging clinical and social service providers in six pilot counties: Dona Ana, Lincoln, Otero, Rio Arriba, Taos, and San Miguel. These providers will address healthrelated social needs for members who are pregnant, postpartum, or young children; seniors and those with long-term care needs; facing behavioral health needs; part of tribal communities; and justice-involved. Health and Wellness Resources were updated on the websites to support members’ health-related social needs. These include community resources for accessibility, housing, food, and financial assistance. PHP built a member self-referral form, called the Assistance Request Form, to request help for health-related social needs as part of the Unite Us project. PHP community health workers and care coordinators respond to member requests by connecting them to resources to address their needs. Presbyterian Quality Improvement Program