Presbyterian | Your Story | Centennial Care | Winter 2020 9 “If they follow the program, they will lose weight. I didn’t think I was going to lose over 50 pounds! Good Measures is a good program.” —Brenda “Before Good Measures, I felt miserable, and I didn’t want to go anywhere,” says Brenda. “I was embarrassed about my weight. But now people are noticing a difference.” During a recent doctor’s appointment, she was thrilled when the nurse said, “You’ve lost a lot of weight!” The Diabetes Prevention Program is offered at no additional cost to eligible Presbyterian Centennial Care members with prediabetes or certain risk factors for type 2 diabetes. To learn more, call 1-855-249-8587 or visit preventionprogram . Managing stress, losing weight, and improving health with Good Measures Meet Brenda Brenda is a 60-year-old from Roswell, New Mexico. She has two daughters, a son, and six grandchildren. She wanted to lose weight in order to improve her health. “I was prediabetic, and I didn’t want to get diabetes,” she says. Her mother and sister died of diabetes (high blood sugar) and kidney failure. She wanted to break the cycle. “I guess I changed the story so I can be around for my family.” Brenda heard about the Diabetes Prevention Program through Presbyterian Health Plan and Good Measures. In May 2019, Brenda signed up for the program. She made changes and made them stick. Brenda loves walking at a nearby park, where she can see deer and antelope. But when the COVID-19 outbreak forced her to stay at home, she adjusted her exercise plan. Now, she tracks her steps while walking inside her house. Over the year, she walked hundreds of miles and got rid of her cane. “Brenda has made many healthy changes. She built an especially strong habit of physical activity every day,” says her health coach, Cassandra. “That’s pretty amazing!” Surpassing goals People who have completed the Diabetes Prevention Program lost an average of six percent of their body weight. Participants exceed their exercise goal of 150 minutes per week. They use the program’s tools to connect with a health coach, log activity, and monitor their weight. Participants have reported many positive side effects from the program, including: ● Lower A1c levels ● Fewer medications ● Better sleeping ● Feeling happier overall Brenda crushed her goals. She set out to lose just 18 pounds. But with the Diabetes Prevention Program, Brenda lost 53 pounds in just under 12 months.